This chapter presents information about defendants finalised in all criminal courts of Australia for the period 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013. All Courts data refer to the grouping of the Higher Courts, Magistrates' Courts and Children's Courts.
The diagram below shows a summary of the number of finalised defendants by court level, method of finalisation and, for defendants proven guilty, whether they received a custodial or non-custodial order as their principal sentence in 2012–13.

(a) Defendants will be counted twice where they are transferred from one of the three court levels and then finalised in another within the same reference period. See Explanatory Notes paragraphs 34–36.
(b) Includes defendants with an unknown method of finalisation.
(c) Includes defendants transferred to other court levels.
(d) Includes defendants for whom a principal sentence is unknown.
Data obtained from Table 1.